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Commercial Registration in Saudi Arabia

As the first step towards starting a business in Saudi Arabia, it is essential to obtain a Commercial Registration (CR).

Commercial Registration

What is Commercial Registration (CR)?

Having a commercial registration in Saudi Arabia serves as an official identification card for your business. The CR Number enables you to conduct business legally in Saudi Arabia by proving your legitimacy. Furthermore, it enables you to open a bank account or sign contracts, as well as gain access to a variety of benefits.

Who needs Commercial Registration (CR)?

Commercial Registration is required by everyone planning to conduct business in Saudi Arabia, whether they are sole proprietors or established companies.

How to get your Commercial Registration (CR)?

The following two routes are generally available:

  • Online: An easy and convenient method! Visit the Saudi Business Center website. It is essential that you provide some basic information about your business, such as its name, activity, and capital. There is a charge associated with this service.
  • In-person: Make an appointment with your nearest Ministry of Commerce branch. Please ensure that you are prepared with the same information as you would for the online route, as well as any additional documents they may require.


Check the Ministry of Commerce website for the latest requirements and any updates before diving in.


Types of Commercial Registration

Here are the types of Commercial Registration in Saudi Arabia:

  • Main CR: For your primary business activity.
  • Branch CR: If you're establishing a branch of an existing company.
  • Sub-CR: For additional activities under your main CR.


Please Note: The process typically takes 5-7 days, but it may vary depending on your individual circumstances. You will receive your CR electronically or by mail once it has been approved.


A few things to consider

  • To be eligible, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and not be employed by the government.
  • A minimum capital requirement of 5,000 Saudi Riyals must be met by your business.
  • Please be aware that there will be a fee associated with this service.
  • A CR is valid for one year and must be renewed every year.
  •  It is also possible to obtain sub-registrations for different branches or activities.
  • You could hand-over the Commercial Registration to a business consultant, and they could take care of the rest.


Confused on what after Commercial Registration? Check out here.

Using this knowledge and the resources available to you, you will be able to receive your CR in Saudi Arabia in a timely and effective manner. In case you have any concerns about the mentioned process, Reyson Badger is available to assist you. Our Company Formation Consulting Team is highly experienced in Saudi Arabia. Start your business journey today!

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