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External Audit

External audit refers to the most important financial review process performed by independent auditors, who review the financial records and statements of a company. The purpose of an external audit may be defined as an independent view or opinion on the fairness and accuracy of the financial reporting of a business. Audits performed by independent auditors are imperative to companies in the United Arab Emirates because such audits ensure transparency and uphold the confidence of investors to a higher level by gaining stakeholder trust. They help organisations find inconsistencies and irregularities in books of accounts, reduce financial exposure to risks, and achieve full compliance with relevant laws and regulations by putting in place better financial management and decision-making.

The UAE prescribes certain legal requirements for external audits, especially for companies established in free zones, public companies, and those industries where regulatory oversight is more vigilant. For example, in industries such as banking, insurance, real estate, and construction, most businesses are bound by law to perform an external audit. Auditing would thus be performed in conformance with the standards, both internationally and UAE-specific, to keep the companies compliant with the local and global requirements of financial reporting. The inability to conduct regular audits will attract penalties, reputational damage, or even restrictions on operations.

Some of the industries that UAE audit services are usually attached to include financial services, hospitality, health care, retail, and manufacturing. Since transparency is much needed in these industries, external audits are major avenues for protecting the financial health and credibility of the business world. The companies will make sure their financial statements are correct and present the actual view of their financial performances to the shareholders, investors, and regulators with the help of qualified external auditors.

Why Does a Company Need to Perform an External Audit?

External audits are generally performed to meet regulatory requirements and to provide assurance to stakeholders that a company's financial statements are accurate and reliable. External Audits Services also help identify any potential fraud or mismanagement within a company.

Regulation on External Audit in UAE

The regulatory framework for auditing within the UAE is pretty strong and anchored on compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards. These international standards ensure that financial reporting is presented with consistency, comparability, transparency, and accuracy, hence making it easier for businesses to compare and present their financial statements both locally and internationally. This is not a best practice but rather a legal requirement for many businesses in the UAE, especially those within regulated industries which attract international investments. The framework ensures that businesses conduct activities at the highest level of financial integrity and accountability.

Audits in the UAE are overseen by the Ministry of Economy, as well as several local authorities, which include the DFSA-a.k.a. Dubai Financial Services Authority and ADGM, otherwise known as Abu Dhabi Global Market. These monitor the licensing process of audit firms concerning proper auditing and accounting standards, along with the enforcement of regulations that provide for financial transparency in various sectors. These regulatory bodies ensure that statutory auditors are strictly qualified to perform the work in compliance with various international and local auditing standards to protect stakeholders' interests, including investors, creditors, and the public at large.

According to the UAE Commercial Companies Law, statutory audits are mandatory for public joint-stock companies, LLCs, and those involved in certain industries. This includes the requirement that businesses have their financial statements audited annually by approved, independent auditors to assure compliance with local laws and the provision of accurate financial reporting. The law provides that an external audit is indispensable in identifying prospective financial misstatements for legal compliance and expressing transparency indicative of the sustainable growth of businesses in the UAE.

Aspect Details
  • Auditing Standards
  • Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is mandatory for many UAE businesses.
  • Ensures transparency and global consistency in financial reporting.
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • The Ministry of Economy oversees external audit regulations.
  • Local authorities such as the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) regulate specific free zones and sectors.
  • Ensure that auditors meet qualifications and adhere to international/local standards.
  • UAE Commercial Companies Law
  • Mandates external audits for public joint-stock companies, limited liability companies (LLCs), and businesses in certain industries.
  • Requires annual audits by independent, approved auditors to ensure legal compliance and accurate financial reporting.


Documents Required For External Audit



Document Role in Audit 

  • Trial Balance and General Ledger
  •  Verifying overall financial accuracy
  • Lists all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Provides detailed records of transactions to verify the accuracy of financial statements.
  • Legal Documents
  • Establishing legal framework
  • Includes trade license, memorandum and articles of association, shareholder information, and tax registration certificate (TRN).
  • Fixed Assets Register
  •  Assessing asset valuation and depreciation
  • Detailed records of fixed assets, including depreciation assessments and invoices for additions during the year.
  • Bank Statements and Cash Balances
  • Verifying liquidity and cash flow accuracy
  • Bank statements and confirmations to ensure accurate recording of bank balances and cash balance confirmations from management.
  • Receivables and Payables
  • Ensuring the accuracy of outstanding liabilities and receivables
  • Aging reports for accounts receivable and payable, along with external confirmations from customers and suppliers for outstanding balances.
  • Payroll Records
  • Verifying employee-related expenses
  • Information on salaries, overtime, and employee expenses to ensure accurate payroll recording and compliance with labor regulations.
  • Tax Documents
  • Confirming tax compliance
  • Tax registration certificate, input and output VAT sheets, and VAT returns to ensure compliance with UAE tax regulations.
  • Loan Documents
  • Ensuring correct classification and recording of liabilities
  • Documentation of business loans to verify classification into current and non-current liabilities, and proper reporting of financial obligations.
  • Sales, Purchases, and Expenses Records
  • Verifying the accuracy of reported revenue and expenses
  • Samples from ledgers and supporting documents to verify the accuracy of sales, purchases, and expense reporting.
  • Schedules
  • Providing a comprehensive overview of prepayments, accruals, and  other financial resources
  • Additional schedules, such as prepayments and accruals, to provide a complete view of the company’s financial obligations and resources.


Procedures for External Audit:

There are several steps involved in the external auditing process in Dubai, which is an essential way to guarantee the correctness and reliability of the financial statements presented by a company.

Steps Involved in an External Audit

Planning: During this initial step, the audit objectives and scope are identified. Auditors study the environment related to the business during this phase, in which the risks associated with the environment are identified. The auditors and the management of the company hold a meeting, also commonly referred to as the entrance meeting, to discuss the audit process and expectations.

Execution The central part of what auditors do consists of fieldwork. Financial statements, internal controls, and the enforcement or compliance with the relevant regulations are studied and analyzed. Evidence is gathered by interviewing,reviewing documents, and analytical procedures.

Reporting: At the end of the audit, auditors write a complete report showing findings, conclusions, and recommendations on the areas of improvement. This report is then presented to the company's management and other stakeholders as a way of showing the financial health and operational efficiencies of the business.

Role of Auditors 

Auditors, therefore, hold a very important position in the examination of financial statements and assessment of internal controls. Auditors examine books of accounts to attest to their correctness, and that they are presented under each standard and regulation. They may also assess internal controls to identify weaknesses that may lead to financial misstatement or fraud. Therefore, the independent assessment adds credibility to the financial report development important to stakeholders and regulating bodies.

Importance of Auditor Independence and Objectivity

Auditor independence and objectivity are critically essential in maintaining the integrity of the audit process. External auditors will have to be partial, without any conflict of interest, by proving findings and recommendations credible. This is part of an essential element needed in giving stakeholders a view of the presentation on the financial position of the company that is considered fair and balanced; thus, it instills trust and confidence in the organization's governance and financial practices.

Benefits of External Audit Services in UAE

Accuracy and Integrity of Financial Statements

External Audit Services are meant to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of any organization do not include material misstatements. Auditors examine the books of accounts supporting the financial records and enhance credibility within the financial reports so that they represent the true view of the entity's affairs concerning its financial position.

Gain Confidence of Investors, Stakeholders, and Regulators

Whereas External Audits Services help in developing investors', stakeholders', and regulatory confidence. An auditor ensures a point of view that is independent concerning the health of the business; therefore, investors have confidence in finding it easy to invest in companies. Investors would be much more comfortable knowing that businesses operate on transparent and reliable financial reporting standards.

Identifying Financial and Operational Risks

The external audit also encourages such financial and operational risks in the enterprises. Auditors not only scrutinize the accuracy of the financial statements but also access the internal controls and operational procedures. It facilitates locating the potential areas of inefficiency or risk in the business enterprise, thereby allowing management to take proper action for improvement in overall performance.

Common Challenges in External Auditing:

  • Incomplete or incorrect financial records lead to delays and discrepancies.
  • Keeping updated with the latest local and international regulations, such as IFRS and UAE-specific laws.
  • Highly complicated auditing of companies with complex financial relationships or international operations.
  • Pressing schedules and hence internal resource availability during auditing periods.
  • Intra-team communication along with auditors is less frequent, leading to delays in providing the required documents and views.


How to Deal with Such Challenges:

  • Use accounting software and audit management tools to speed up the data-gathering process by making it more accurate and even automate processes whenever possible.
  • Internal audits conducted periodically help to keep financial records updated and in order, making errors less frequent during the external audit.
  • The best practice will be to encourage open communication and collaboration between the internal staff and auditors. In this way, it is easy to move swiftly through an audit.
  • Provide training on regulatory updates, as well as best practices in financial reporting, to the finance teams for continued compliance.
  • The ability to prepare for audits much earlier means that the documentation could be organized and any known issues dealt with in advance.


Difference between an External Audit and Internal Audit:

An external audit is conducted by an independent auditor, while an internal audit is conducted by the company's staff. External audits are generally required by law, while internal audits are voluntary. The main purpose of an external audit is to assure to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, while the main purpose of an internal audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of a company's internal controls and processes.

Choosing the Right External Auditor in UAE

The selection of the appropriate UAE external auditor will facilitate accurate financial reporting and maintain compliance with the regulations of this state. The main points to be considered by the management will be the following: experience of the auditor, industry specialization, and market reputation. One should consider a partnership with an auditing firm that understands your business sector, whether a small, mid-size, or large corporation and can provide appropriate solutions. Some of the leading auditing firms in the UAE, such as Reyson Badger, have extensive service portfolios that include financial audits, tax compliance, and advisory services to enable business functions in the country's dense regulatory atmosphere. On top of that, seek out those firms that demonstrate a robust track record of timely and accurate audit reports and deep knowledge of both IFRS and UAE-specific regulations. Businesses can attain, by choosing an appropriate auditor, improvement rather than mere compliance in financial management and decision-making.


External audits play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of a company's financial statements. External Audit Services in Dubai and UAE are essential for compliance with regulatory requirements and for assuring stakeholders. Reyson Badger is a leading provider of External Auditing Services in Dubai, with a team of experienced who are dedicated to helping companies meet their regulatory requirements and provide assurance to stakeholders.

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