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Excise Tax FAQs

What is the excise tax in the United Arab Emirates?

Excise tax is an indirect tax that is imposed on certain items. These are usually things that are hazardous to people's health or the environment. The main goal of the tax is to discourage the consumption of certain goods while simultaneously generating income for the government to spend on important public services. According to Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2017, excise tax came into effect on October 1, 2017.

What do you mean by excise goods?

Excise goods are carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and tobacco products.

  • Carbonated drinks such as aerated beverages except for unflavored aerated water. This will also include concentrations, powder, gel, or any other extracts that can be made into an aerated beverage.
  • Energy drinks are sold and marketed as energy drinks which contain stimulant substances to boost mental and physical stimulation. This includes without limitation – caffeine, ginseng, taurine, and guarana. It also includes ingredients that are identical and carry a similar effect to the above ingredients.
  • Tobacco or tobacco products


What are the excise tax rates in the UAE?

 Here are the excise tax rates in the UAE

  • Carbonated drinks – 50%
  • Energy drinks – 100%
  • Tobacco – 100%


What is the threshold registration for excise registration in UAE?

There is no threshold requirement currently to register for Excise tax. However, if the FTA is convinced that the person does not import excise goods or release excise goods from designated zones regularly, he may be entitled to an exemption from registration


What is a Designated Zone, and how does it work?

A designated zone is any fenced area designed to be a free zone that can only be entered or exited through an authorized route, as well as any place defined by the Authority as being under the control of a Warehouse keeper. For example, the Jebel Ali Free Zone and the SAIF Free Zone. Even if sold in a free zone, excise goods are not subject to tax until they leave the designated zone or are introduced for consumption. For excise tax reasons, a designated zone is considered as if it were outside the UAE.

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