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Year-End Accounting Checklist: A Professional Guide to Businesses

Year End Accounting Checklist

As the year-end is approaching, it is now time for UAE businesses to become more concerned with the accuracy of financial reporting and adhering to various requirements dictated by regulatory bodies to ensure a smooth transition into the coming year. Year-end accounting is one of the most integral processes that allows businesses in the UAE to stay compliant with VAT and tax laws, optimize financial results for minimum liability, and therefore identify points of improvement and implement enhancements on processes. Make better decisions that will drive business growth and development. The best way to support UAE businesses through this cumbersome process is by availing them with a comprehensive year-end accounting checklist. Our expert guide will walk you through steps one should take from October to February to make sure one is well-equipped and ready for the new year.


Why a Year-End Accounting Checklist Is Important for UAE Business

A year-end accounting checklist is important to the UAE business economy in ensuring that financial reporting is accurate, compliant, and optimized for growth. Here's why it does matter:

Avoid Mistakes and Inaccuracies in Financial Reporting

Through the elaborative closing of the year checklist, the company could track down any error or omission that might be at large and make these books correct for financial statement presentation. It makes sure that all transactions are correctly recorded, thus avoiding any incorrect information leading to internal conflict or even worse, legal situation.

Assurance of Compliance with UAE Laws

There is a set of regulations that the UAE has to which each entity should conform, inclusive of VAT and tax legislation. A year-end checklist helps in ensuring that all the filings are done, deadlines met, and at full compliance with the above regulations. This will reduce the risk of penalties and audits.

Optimize Financial Performance and Minimize Tax Liabilities

Able to go through the financial records at the end of the year, the companies are able to go over all avenues of their financial performance that need improvement. This may be inclusive of tactical decisions made that are bound to reduce tax obligations while maximizing the available deductions and credits that are available for deduction.

Improve Decision Making to Drive Business Growth

The year-end review comprehensively provides valuable information on the state of the company in terms of its finances. Based on the financial status, the owners and managers can keep in mind further investments to be sought, strategies for growth, and ways of apportioning resources accordingly.


Pre-year-end accounting tasks (October- December) for UAE Businesses

As the financial year is about to end in the UAE, a couple of major accounting tasks are supposed to be carried out by the businesses for a smooth wrap-up of the year. These basic pre-year-end accounting tasks should be concluded between October and December. The tasks are as follows:

1. Reconciliations of Financial Statement

  • Balance Sheet: This shall not only include the balance of assets, liabilities, and owners' equity within the balance sheet but also accuracy in the balance of accounts, ensuring that no transaction has been missed.
  • Income Statement: Test the revenue and expense accounts to make sure these accounts are accurate, and that the proper financial performance is reflected for the year. This may include tests that identify whether there are additional revenues or expenses not recorded which could impact profitability.


2. Accounts Reconciliations

  • Bank Reconciliation: This involves comparing the bank statement against the cash records in the books of accounts of the company, with the aim of noticing and putting down any discrepancies. Ensure that all deposited transactions and all withdrawals are recorded correctly in both records.
  • Credit Card Reconciliation: Similar to bank reconciliation, all credit card sales will be well accounted for and must agree with the statements available from the credit card companies.


3. Account for Errors or Differences

Go through all accounts for errors or mispostings. This may range from duplicate entries to incorrect amounts or/and transactions that are incorrectly classified. Making corrections is thus instrumental in pursuing the ends of accurate record keeping.


4. Provide for Current and Future Tax Requirements

  • VAT Compliance: VAT returns review to ensure correct booking of all VAT-related transactions. Prepare for upcoming VAT filings and ensure that supporting documentation is in place.
  • Corporate Tax Planning: Since the introduction of corporate tax in the United Arab Emirates, it has become necessary for every entity to reassess their financial position and understand how they can plan for taxes. The estimation of tax liability is required, identification of deductibles, and finally, making sure that all new tax-related regulations are in place.

5. Collect Past-Due Invoices

Go through the accounts receivable and identify invoices that are past due. Develop strategies to collect past-due payments before the close of the year to improve cash position and reduce the account receivable burden.


6. Prepare for Audits

If applicable, prepare any internal or external audits by organizing financial records and supporting documentation. This includes the preparation of any reports that may need to be reviewed including a profit and loss statement and balance sheet.


7. Set Strategic Goals

Use insights from financial reviews to set realistic and achievable goals for the next year. This will then be useful in strategic planning of the operations and financial management in the new fiscal year.


Year-End Accounting Tasks (December 31st) for UAE Businesses

As the UAE financial year ends on 31st December, there are specific important tasks that businesses must carry out to ensure accuracy in reporting and compliance. The following are some of the major year-end accounting tasks that a business needs to perform:

1. Closing of Temporary Accounts

  • Income and Expense Accounts: At the end of each and every year, all the temporary accounts-for instance, the income and expense accounts-are all closed. The balance held in these accounts should be transferred to the retained earnings account to wipe out the accounts so a new fiscal year can start on a clean footing. This process will guarantee that the revenue and expenses of only the current year will be represented on the financial statements.


2. Year-End Transactions

  • Accruals: Account for expenses and revenues accrued, yet not processed as yet. Examples include expenses incurred but not yet paid and revenues earned but not received. Proper accrual accounting ensures that financial statements show the true picture of the business.
  • Pre-payments: Account for the pre-payments made by the firm for various expenses to be recorded in the proper accounting period. Record all payments made on services or goods received in the next fiscal year. Such payment is referred to as a prepayment.


3. Prepare Financial Statements

  • Balance Sheet: The balance sheet is prepared to show the snapshot of the company's position about its assets, liabilities, and equity as of December 31. This statement shall be very important in analyzing the financial condition of the business.
  • Income Statement: Prepare an income statement, which summarizes revenues and expenses for the year and provides an appraisal of profitability. This statement shall be indispensable to the stakeholders in appraising the performance of the company during the fiscal period.
  • Cash Flow Statement: Although the question does not provide this, a cash flow statement needs to be prepared also. It is representative of the inflow and outflow of cash and aids in the assessment of liquidity and operational efficiency.


4. Review and Finalize Accounts for Audit Purposes

  • Review all accounts to ensure their accuracy and completeness. This makes sure that all transactions have been correctly recorded with no discrepancy.
  • Prepare all required documents and reports in case of any external audits. This would also involve the collection of support documents, for instance, invoices, contracts, and bank statements necessary for the facilitation of the audit process.
  • Ensure all financial records are according to local regulations and accounting standards in order to maintain complete transparency and accountability.


Post-Year-End Accounting Tasks (January- February) for UAE Businesses

While the UAE company's financial year closes on December 31st, there are a couple of critical tasks related to accounting that UAE companies are supposed to do every January and February. Below are some indispensable post-year-end accounting activities:

1. Filing of Tax Return

  • Value-added tax return: The business has to prepare the VAT return and submit it, where all the taxable supplies have to be correctly reported with the claim of input tax. The deadline for such VAT return is usually issued by the FTA, and timely submission should be considered in order to avoid penalties.
  • Corporate Tax Filings: In the wake of introducing corporate tax into the UAE, comes the time for corporate tax returns filings. For many companies, the first tax period will fall between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2024, and the first filing deadline will fall on 30th September 2025. Companies should be able to ensure that they are registered for corporate tax and maintain adequate books and records to support their tax filings.


2. Review and Analyze Financial Performance

  • Budget vs. Actual Analysis: A detailed comparison of actual results against budgets should be performed in respect of prior-year financial performance. This comparison highlights deviations, helps to understand the reasons for such deviations, and allows review of the overall financial health of the business.
  • KPIs: Besides, KPIs should also be reviewed to comprehend the appropriateness of the financial strategies and operational efficiencies. This review will highlight which areas are to be worked upon and help in future decisions to be taken for the business.


3. Setting of New Year Goals and Budgets

  • Strategic Goal Setting: Based on the analysis of last year's performance, clearly set the realizable financial goals for the coming year. These may include revenue targets, cost-cutting strategies, and investment plans.
  • Budgeting: Provide a comprehensive budget that outlines anticipated income and expenses for the next fiscal period. The budget shall be in conformance with the strategic focus of the business and provide a roadmap for financial management.


4. Accounting and Finance Process Improvements

  • Review Accounting Processes: On the new beginning, everyone ideally consider reviewing the current accounting and financial practices to determine inefficiencies or avenues for improvement. This can relate to the review of software systems, workflow, and reporting practices.
  • New Technologies Adoption: Explore new technologies for getting a better accounting system where new accounting software or tools will automate the processes and increase the accuracy and enhance reporting. Technology significantly streamlines accounting jobs and reduces the associated risk with mistakes.
  • Training and Development: Impart training in accounting personnel regarding changes in regulations, technologies, or processes for enhancement of skills in order to address the latest standards.


Year-end accounting is an important activity for UAE businesses, wherein your books of accounts should be accurate, adequate compliance with relevant regulations, and ready to begin a new year. You should know about the importance of year-end accounting for sound health in financials and to eliminate the scope of any problems leading to regulatory authorities. You can have a non-eventful smooth financial close by following the year-end accounting checklists. Reyson Badger will professionally guide your business through this process to ensure that it is done right and provide great insight into your future growth. Let Reyson Badger take the headache out of year-end accounting, keep you in compliance, and set your business up for success for the next year.

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