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Importance Of Accounting in UAE: Everything You Need To Know

Importance Of Accounting in UAE

Large or small, accounting is essential for any business to ensure the sound financial management of the organisation. It provides an accurate record of a company's financial transactions, allowing businesses to make the right financial decisions and maintain financial stability. Accounting helps to track and measure performance, identify areas for improvement, and assess risks. It also helps to ensure compliance with local and federal laws and regulations. This blog will explore the critical role accounting plays in ensuring a successful business.

Purpose of Accounting

By analysing the general accounts of a business, we can identify what a company owns and owes as well as what it has earned. The Profit and Loss Account allows the company to chronologically list money inflows and outflows, such as sales, resources, expenses, and charges. This allows the company to calculate the operating account and the net profit or loss of the year.

The two main types of accounting for companies are general accounting and cost accounting. Using the double-entry technique, general accounting chronologically records all business operations while cost accounting or management accounting is non-compulsory accounting, designed primarily to provide business owners with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.

Real-time decision-making

Accounting in a company helps in real-time decision-making by providing accurate financial information to analyse the current state of the business. This data can include income and expense statements, cash flows, balance sheets, and other financial reports. Through accounting, management can quickly assess the financial position, identify areas of improvement, and take corrective action when necessary. 

Tax Compliance

Accounting helps companies in tax compliance by providing accurate and up-to-date records of all financial transactions that can help determine the amount of taxes owed and the deductions. Accounting also helps track payments and prepare tax returns, as well as provide an audit trail in case of any discrepancies. It also ensures a company complies with tax laws and regulations.

Better management

Accounting helps managers track and measure financial performance, analyse trends, and make informed decisions about investments and operations. Accounting also provides the necessary information to determine the company’s financial health and ability to meet its obligations. It also provides information to stakeholders, such as shareholders and creditors. By having accurate financial information at their fingertips, managers can make informed decisions that help the company achieve its goals.


Accounting is necessary for producing budgets to plan and control operations and manage resources. Budgets provide targets for managers to use in monitoring the performance of the company’s operations. It helps companies in budgeting by providing accurate and timely financial information, such as income and expenses. Accounting also helps companies identify areas of potential cost savings, track spending against the budget, and ensure the budget is followed.

Are you in need of accounting services in Dubai?

Accounting is essential for managing cash flow, developing budgets, monitoring performance, and protecting the company from fraud and economic mismanagement. If you are looking for professional accounting services in Dubai to manage your accounts, Reyson Badger, one of the leading accounting and auditing firms in UAE, can help.

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