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Double Taxation Treatment Criteria

double taxation treatment


Double Taxation

Double taxation occurs when the same type of income is taxed twice.This can occur in two different ways. First, payments can be taxed at both the corporate and individual levels. For example, when a corporation pays dividends to its shareholders, the revenues that provided the cash for the dividends have already been taxed at the corporate level. However, the shareholders who receive these dividends also face income-tax responsibilities, creating a situation of double taxation.

Second, double taxation can happen when two jurisdictions tax the same income. This is a frequent difficulty you can encounter if you're running an international business, where money may be taxed in the place where it's earned and then taxed again when it's repatriated in your company's home.


Double Taxation Treatment Criteria

To address the issue of double taxation, countries around the world have signed hundreds of treaties to avoid it. These, or tax treaties, are bilateral agreements between two countries to resolve issues involving double taxation of their citizens' passive and active income. They generally specify the amount of tax that a country can levy on a taxpayer's income, capital, estate, or wealth. These tax treaties aim to provide taxpayers with certainty and clarity while also avoiding situations in which income is taxed twice.

To avoid double taxation and promote trade and investment, the UAE has signed double-tax treaties with a number of countries. These treaties specify how individuals and businesses must pay taxes on income earned in the UAE and other treaty countries. The UAE has double tax treaties with numerous countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, India, and China. These treaties offer:

  • Exchanging information among tax authorities.
  • Avoiding double taxation.
  • Provisions for allocating taxation rights between the two countries.



Choosing Reyson Badger for double taxation issues in the UAE means dealing with specialists that have a thorough understanding of both local and international tax laws. We offer specialized solutions, advanced planning, and a client-focused approach to help you achieve the greatest tax results. With our global reach and innovative technology, we offer trustworthy and effective assistance, making us the ideal partner for managing complex tax issues.


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