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All You Need to Know About the ICV Certificate in the UAE

ICV Certificate in the UAE

Obtaining an  In-Country  (ICV) certificate is integral for any business that wants to establish a reputation of trust and credibility in the market. An ICV certificate is a document that proves that a product or service has been sourced, produced, and/or delivered within the country of origin. The certificate is issued by the country's government and is required for certain types of businesses operating in that country.

The benefits of having an In-Country Value certificate are numerous. For businesses, it can help to level the playing field when competing for government contracts. It can also provide a competitive advantage when bidding on projects funded by international organizations.

For countries, In-Country Value certificates can help to boost economic activity and create jobs. They can also be used to attract foreign investment and promote exports.

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) launched the In-Country Value (ICV) certification in 2018 to encourage Emiratization, GDP diversification, and strategic considerations. The ICV certification recognizes businesses that contribute to the development of the UAE economy and create jobs. To date, over 1,000 businesses have been certified and ADNOC has committed to spending $45 billion on ICV-certified businesses over the next five years. The ICV certification is helping to transform the UAE into a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.

What is National ICV Program?

The ICV program was established to support the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology's (MOIAT) mandate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is to provide a world-class environment for the industry, research, and development.

The ICV program has four key objectives:

  • To create an ecosystem that supports and encourages local industry
  • To build knowledge and capabilities within the UAE
  • To support the development of new and innovative products and services
  • And to create an attractive investment environment.


The ICV program offers a range of benefits for businesses, including access to a dedicated team of experts, preferential treatment in government procurement, and opportunities to collaborate with leading international companies.

The ICV program is an important part of the UAE's commitment to diversifying its economy and creating sustainable growth.

The Complete ICV Program Service

In-Country Value Program Services (ICV) are important in UAE because they create opportunities for Emirati companies and citizens to participate in the country’s economy.

Reyson Badger is a reliable firm that can assist you to get an ICV certificate in the United Arab Emirates. The company has been operational for over 10 years and has a team of experienced professionals. Reyson Badger offers a complete package of in-country value services with the help of an ICV certifying body in the UAE, including project management, feasibility studies, economic analysis, and more.

The company has worked with some of the biggest names in the country and is known for its quality services and competitive prices. The company is dedicated to providing the best possible service to its clients and has a track record of success.

Reyson Badger is an organization that aids in getting an in-country value certificate in the United Arab Emirates. The work process of the organization is as follows:

  • Help you to assess the value of a project and its compliance with local content requirements.
  • Assist you to certify the value of a project to ensure that it meets all in-country value requirements.
  • Once the project is certified, Reyson Badger assists with its registration and implementation.


The In-Country Value Program Service in UAE creates opportunities for Emirati companies and entrepreneurs to develop and commercialize their products and services in the international marketplace.

It is highly recommended that businesses interested in obtaining ICV certification services in the UAE consult with certified ICV auditors in Dubai to ensure that the process is completed correctly and efficiently. Reyson Badger, one of the top accounting and auditing firms, provides top-notch ICV certification services in the UAE. We have a team of highly experienced auditors who can advise you on the best course of action when it comes to ICV certification. Seeking the assistance of ICV auditors in UAE will help you gain a keen understanding of what is ICV certificate, the ICV certificate process, and how to get an ICV certificate. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to connecting with you soon.


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