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All You Need To Know About Starting an Audit Firm in Dubai

Audit Firm in Dubai

Are you thinking of starting an audit firm in Dubai? If yes, contact Reyson Badger, a leading firm in the middle east providing tax and audit services to businesses with operations in Dubai. With more than 10 years of experience, Reyson Badger understands the challenges associated with doing business in the UAE and can provide the best assistance and guidance on local laws and regulations.

Why Should You Start an Auditing Firm in Dubai?

Dubai is one of the most desirable business locations in the world, and it's no surprise why many entrepreneurs choose to start their businesses in this vibrant city.

An auditor is an essential part of any business, and starting an auditing firm in Dubai could be a great way to capitalise on the numerous opportunities available there. Not only can you take advantage of a booming economy, but you also have access to excellent banking services and a wide range of clients from around the world looking for high-quality audit services.

Starting an auditing firm in Dubai comes with some great advantages such as

  • Access to highly qualified professionals
  • Favourable taxes and regulations that make it easier for new businesses to set up shop quickly and efficiently
  • Furthermore, many international companies based here make your job easier when looking for clients or partners.


Is audit mandatory in UAE?

Auditing, the process of reviewing financial records to ensure accuracy and compliance with local laws and regulations, is an important part of any business. For companies operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), it is a legal requirement that businesses must undergo regular audits.

When it comes to financial reporting requirements, the UAE has strict rules, and all companies must comply with these rules to remain compliant with UAE law.

In addition, all businesses must conduct an annual independent audit by a qualified professional approved by the Ministry of Economy or Central Bank of the UAE.

The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the company’s accounts are kept accurately and that its financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Important Ways To Start an Audit Firm in Dubai

  • The first step is to define your company. To ensure that you are properly certified, you must identify any practice you wish to engage in - tax consultingauditioningaccounting, and so on.

  • The following step is to select a company name. It takes a little more thought in the UAE than it does elsewhere in the world. In a nutshell, any provocative or blasphemous language should be avoided. You must also confirm that your given name is eligible for registration: avoid well-known company names and avoid abbreviations after the company's name.


  • Next, decide whether you want to establish accounting firms in Dubai's free zone area on the mainland. There are numerous advantages to both. Current business support, as well as financial incentives such as tax exemptions and zero currency restrictions, provide benefits in Fujairah Creative City's free zones, including a quick and simple incorporation process.


On the other hand, the mainland setup allows you to trade directly with the UAE sector and enter potentially lucrative government contracts. You'll be primarily concerned with the design and size of the configuration that works best for you.

How do I obtain an auditing licence in Dubai?

The Department of Economic Development (Registration and Licensing Sector) allows Mainland firms to conduct audits in Dubai. You will also provide audit companies in Dubai to other organisations. The business owner also requires audit and account management personnel who are trained and accredited.

How do I become a registered auditor in the UAE?

To obtain an audit licence in Dubai, UAE, you must have an accounting degree or a similar qualification. You must be able to demonstrate relevant financial/audit experience. Finally, you must pass an inspection before receiving your auditing licence.

Reyson Badger, one of the leading audit firms in UAE, has an extensive network of contacts at various government agencies. This will help secure licenses quickly for any kind of business activity. We have considerable knowledge about various incentives offered by different organisations such as Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, RAK Investment Authority etc., which can help businesses reduce their costs significantly. 

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